On a bitter bank
On a bitter bank I admire uncertain
ships departing plowing the seeds
of the waves, and already singing
sailors hymns to the poor heavenly.
Outside of my invisible boundaries
I start slow walking between yet
and mists; contours fade and
unfamilar faces oppress the mind.
Subjugating the fate they challenge
in the depths marine creatures,
and I become sad companion
of gamble of a Ione peacock.
And I let prune this petrified night,
becoming garden and gardener
of mine silence. So I inweave
human oceans without a dream.
So I turn to water white homelands
long high cypresses, to clothe
the May sun of the pant of infinity,
the happy fading of the suburbs.
Between high scope claims the silence
a sweet repatriation; already I see
new banks in the route of bitter return;
so I weep a past that never it has feded.