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Even if we never understand this messed up world that we live in

At just 17 when life seemed so empty

Your father and I, we got a bit friendly

And 9 months later you arrived at the scene

When I truly comprehended what love really means.


I love you more than life


And this love runs through me like a fire in my veins 

A fire that will protect you from all the adversity and pain 

that this world will try to impose and inflict 

and I know your heart will be pure regardless of conflict 

the system is corrupt and the world order is new 

And this wasn't the world that I wanted for you 

I was too young and naive I didn't understand this system

I didn't realise how problematic it would be to resist them 

They said to register the birth and that you needed the vaccines

but they've been blurring all the lines and I'm not to sure what it all means

People say I'm paranoid but the truth is there to see

& when you piece it all together I dunno how you wouldn't be 


Regardless of all the conspiracies 

this world is full of corruption and austerity 

and any sane person would be cautious for their children

The injustice and inequality whilst the elite hoard the trillions


And I'm not too sure if it'll ever get better

I'm worried for our planet but we're all still getting clever 

so I guess we're still progressing with globalisation

even with our problems such as tax evasion

because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting bitter

the establishment are winning but they're also the embitter


The 99% are clicking on .. And it's not the planet that we all want


but look now we're here and I wouldn't change it for the world, but I want the world for you, so sleep tight and dream, and be kind and free, and look after your soul, love is the key. 


I would endure all the pain imaginable 

Lay down my life unquestionable 

To prevent you from anything unbearable 

From a mother to her son

I didn't realise life would be this painful

And now I think what have I done 

Subjecting you to a world this woeful 

And I know that it's only just begun 

But I'll forever look at you and be grateful 


You give me strength when I'm exasperated with negativity 

You give me hope when I'm faced with adversity 

And you give me love when I fail to see things compassionately

And even tho I made you, you completed me


And I forever will be there to do all of the fixing ..  even if we never understand this messed up world that we live in.


My love for you outweighs it all, 

and that's why I can't be anything, but grateful. 


◄ They say..

Ignorance is bliss ►


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