What Hides In The Shadows
We hide from the monsters in the light
But only because we fear the night.
Although, we never see what hides in the dark.
What is really lurking down in the park.
Has it ever occured to you that the monsters aren't under the bed?
That they're actually only in our head.
That we have taken a beautiful thing,
And twisted it to something evil and cruel.
We pit two old friends against eachother
In a never ending game of love and war.
Both fighting for the acceptance,
That niether will ever find.
So join me and watch, as I flip this final switch;
What really lives in the night and dark of life.
It's not the monsters we think,
But rather a true beauty that is over looked.
Feast your eyes upon the stars that hover above us.
The slight curl of shadowed limbs that blow in a gental breeze.
The glaxies of tremendous light and birth.
We find not just our mistake, but also the damage we have done.
This once great element, once so full of life and beauty,
Forever given a twisted image of death and torture.
Big Sal
Sun 29th Apr 2018 01:47
Never fear the dark