The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Blank Feeling

Missing from the scene,
Lost and fearing
That I am a 
Blotch of white,
Never to appear.
A coy spot
Near the edges
Rusty green
All around me
But not in between. 
Not between.




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<Deleted User> (17847)

Wed 26th Jul 2017 20:35

?for leaving me dangling in a wonderful space.I also ?'d your POTW.

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kishore karunik

Wed 26th Jul 2017 19:24

Missing from the scene,?

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Michaela Sheldon

Wed 26th Jul 2017 18:28

It is intresting how we keep certain values/things but later throw away because we create better ones hey? But we forget how important those things may be to other people around us. You hit the meaning on the nail, Colin!!

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 26th Jul 2017 07:56

this reminds me of an old mirror I once had which I turned into a great work of art (lol). I scratched a poem into the varnished frame and added some embellishments. A few years later I got bored with it and threw it away much to the shock of my family - I had no idea they liked it that much and I was shocked at them being shocked. Anyways, we were all left with a blank feeling including the wall where it used to hang. Nice work Michaela and no doubt nothing to do with my interpretation. C?L.

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