The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Hearse

The hearse moved slowly
Like a shining silver wraith
Gliding through the summer scene
Along the road from Manningtree.

The coffin carried at the rear
Dressed with bunch of lillies,
Bore its dead with dignity
Upon their final journey.

Following the river's edge
Alongside bright green grassy verge
Over-hung with agèd trees
Seeing all from up on high.

The tidal river full and flat
Gleaming in the summer sun
Boats at anchor, lying still
Upon the peaceful estuary.

On the northern Suffolk shore
Hedges dressed in dusty green
Mark boundaries of ancient fields
Like patchwork on the land.

Carefree people strolling by
Taking in this tranquil scene
Noticed not the hearse go past
Nor wondered who it carried.

From anywhere along this road
Looking out across the water,
In any season, any moth
This sight will lift the soul.

I know these views from living here
Few there are much better
But passing now I see them not
While lying in my coffin.



◄ The Rose

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