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Drinking Life Away

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Drinking life away
To mourn and celebrate
With a drink in hand
A prop with which to stand
Have a drink to laugh
And stop sorrows in their path
To grieve at rising sun
Part of nightime fun
Drinking is your brain
The new way of being sane
Drinking is your super power
Your friend at every hour
A pint is always there
Like a friend who cares
A whiskey to relax
Drowning all the crap
But all I can see
Drinking isn't what you need
An alcohol soaked brain
Is body's hangover pain
A whole day lost for drink
Kills more than you would think
And a life lost to booze
Why is this still news?
Another broken home
Another broken hope
Another pint down the pub
Another cocktail in the club
Another drink in hand
So drunk you cannot stand
Drinking life away
To mourn and celebrate
A social construct so ingrained
We think will keep us sane
But alcohol is no friend
It will destroy you in the end


alcoholalcohol abusebeerboozesociety alcoholwhiskey

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