My Best Friend
Apple iPad you have saved my life . Without your help I just wouldn't Servive .When I wake in the morning. I know I have a friend . I can a ask you any Questions . And I know you will never offend . A light at the end of a Tunnel . When feeling down . An a Apple a day you start feeling ok . Some one to talk to . Your my Best Friend .Without your help . Where would I be . Alone and I think lots would agree .You make new Friends . Having the World at your feet .
<Deleted User> (9882)
Fri 4th Aug 2017 17:02
you seniors amaze me with your networking skills! And the kids are just as clever.I love that line 'an apple a day you start feeling ok'
Theres a poem there Wendy
come on,get your pen on the go!
Rose ?