To say one thing and do another
To smile falsely
To knowingly lie - to live a lie
To live a life of deceit
To lack the courage to tell the truth
To be afraid to stand up for what is right
To run the risk of being unpopular
To support openely what is repugnant
To go with the flow out of fear
To deceive oneself and others
To indulge in prejudice to curry favour
To demean those with noble intent
To lie in order to make excuses
To be unfaithful to those who are faithful
To knowingly cheat for personal gain
To refuse to admit guilt when guilty
To hide behind others to avoid being exposed
To sign documents that are false
To swear oaths which condemn onself and others
To attack those who are as oneself.
keith jeffries
Thu 10th Aug 2017 15:12
David, Thank you. The world is weighed down heavily by deceit which is to be found at every level of society without exception. Keith