I walked in the dark for you.
are you waiting in the stars for me?
did you let the flood bear you far?
or did you think to cross the bar?
did you let hope live ?
though it was always at your mercy.
did it perish in the hands that once were clean?
or did it thrive in the heart that can still love!
death is following you with its key.
but do you promise you'll wait for me?
ive traveled far and bled my part.
I only hope you've done the same for me.
don't lose hope.
you've come so far! and so have i
but let's not let this keep us apart. believe in hope and keep things right.
I hope you'll see your Pilot! as now I've seen mine.
I walked dead in the dark.
you were too tired to wait in the stars for me.
I tried to bear you far,
but you refused to cross the bar.