What we do...
What we do...
A day bright and sunlit
breezes curling about
the pliant foliage of
natural life
A tranquility whose
exterior conceals all
For to see clearly it
is inside our minds
and homes a reality
to find
A child plays with glee
in the shade of an
outstretched tree
The labourer with bricks
builds a wall, a house
A mother cooks and bakes
for the sake of those she
A bus driver steers his route
with passengers surveying a
moving landscape
A nurse tends lovingly
to the infirm and old
as a school teacher is
ready to scold
Games are played
balls thrown aloft
Fishermen patiently wait
with their bait for a
hoped for catch
Cashiers count money
more than they will
ever own
Birds sing in a copse
of trees
free and happy to be
A farmer ploughs
to garner his yield
so that we can
eat of our needs
People dance in merriment
festivals and parties
to gladden the heart
Whilst scientists put
the finishing touches
to their latest
nuclear warhead
O give me peace and joy
abandonment from the
maladies that beset
our race
And the good grace to
accept even that which
grieves my soul
over which I exercise
no control
kJ Walker
Fri 1st Sep 2017 06:31
I like the way that you slipped in the line about the scientists, as if they were just going about their day like everyone else.
As with all your work, your own personality shines through in this, and it couldn't have been written by anyone else.