The Trouble With Temperature
The Trouble With Temperature
In the winter when it's freezing
If I don't wrap up warm I'll be wheezing, coughing, sneezing
Making my chest & back sore
My joints hurt me even more
My hands and feet have turned to ice
Hot drinks & soup feel so nice
I just want to stay indoors all day wearing my fluffy PJs!
You'd think I'd prefer it when it's hot
But let me assure you I do not
Heat causes a whole host of other problems
At least when it's cold you can make yourself warm
In this humidity I cannot breathe
Clothes sticking is painful on my skin
Oh I just cannot win!
And it's not just the temperature outside that's a problem
What about getting the air conditoning or heating just right?
And keeping the window open or closed at night?
"No that's too hot!" I open it again
"No that's too cold!" I slam it closed and stomp back to bed
And during the day I lose count of how many times I change my clothes
"I'm a bit chilly, I'll put a cardigan on"
"Good god I'm sweating", I throw it back off!