The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.




Don't try to understand

just listen


These words are


sewing me here 

more closely

than I can sometimes bear

mending the tears 

drying the tears

in circle stitching 

our scattered shattered



broken pieces together 


I have agency 

without urgency

Choose to open

in my own 



I am both 

needle and thread

living and dead


Lips to lips

Hips to hips

in this holy/ wholly/ holey place

I find the sacred

Inside myself

for three days I retreat 

muck in the mud


Before re-birth

Before re-membering

all the scattered members

shattered members 

Re- winding 

all the scattered wounds

shattered wounds


I am the rock and the wave that crashes

 against around above it


The rock

The wave

The needle 

The thread

The living

The dead

I am

And I am born

And I have borne

And I bear







◄ Death poem

Exquisite Vision ►


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Raj Ferds

Sun 1st Oct 2017 06:41

I liked this piece Lan. Most of all these two lines:
I find the sacred
Inside myself

That was the turning point in my opinion. That was rebirth in a way, allowing you to bear fruit again.


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