The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


(This is the last paragraph of Chesterton`s essay: `The slavery of free verse`... It is
a challenge to produce a poetic (beautiful?) effect in free verse...Surely - in these
days of almost universal free verse - it can easily be met......any offers?)


`It is certain that words such as ” birds ” and ” sweet,” which are as plain as ” fish ” or ” stone,” can be combined in such a miracle as ” Bare ruined quires where late the sweet birds sang.” So far as I can follow my own feelings, the metre and fall of the feet, even the rhyme and place in the sonnet, have a great deal to do with producing such an effect. I do not say there is no other way of producing such an effect. I only ask, not without longing, where else in this wide and weary time is it produced? I know I cannot produce it ; and I do not in fact feel it when I hear vers libres. I know not where is that Promethean heat; and, even to express my ignorance, I am glad to find better words than my own.)

◄ A thought in an idle moment.

J'accuse...! ►


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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 4th Nov 2017 20:53

Hi harry

I love free verse, but no one seems able to take a handful simple words and weave them together like they used to. I can't do free verse 'cos the way I see it one has to create magical original metaphors, which I'm incapable of doing, so I do rhyme instead.

Many on this site try their hand at free verse, but the resulting work, apart leaving me baffled with words unfamiliar to your average punter, needs a Bletchley code breaking brain to fathom it's intention.

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Harry O'Neill

Mon 16th Oct 2017 15:29

I mean examples from any source - own or other...old or new...long or short.

Just curious - they must be around somewhere.

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Harry O'Neill

Sun 15th Oct 2017 15:34

Couldn`t get this on to the discussion fault.

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