It’s amazing how you can look into someone’s eye’s and see a universe.
A universe with planets and stars placed against the dark
A universe where life breathes through every orifice
And the lights of consciousness ignite and pull forward gravity
You can look into someone’s eyes and see a universe
The perfect universe
Where everything is where it’s supposed to be
A universe where you’re supposed to be
You can look into someone’s eyes and see life
Brimming from oceans and lakes spread across Earth
Life that crawls onto the land and evolves
And transforms into beings that can think
Beings that can think
And feel
And love
And wonder
Beings that stay up on rooftops at night
Counting the innumerous planets and stars
Those stars that were willed into the sky
By that someone’s’ eyes.
On their rooftops those beings would wonder about their fate
Their destiny and purpose, why they were there.
In that universe created by that someone’s’ eyes.
And you can see it all when you stare.
Because those beings on those rooftops’
in that universe
Created by those eyes
Those eyes that you’re looking into
Those beings are a reflection of you
You can look into that someone’s eyes
And see yourself looking back with
Water lining the edge of your iris
And your pupils dilated full and black
You can see yourself in that universe
Together with that someone who created it
Dancing along exploding supernovas
And filling in your soul’s empty places
It’s amazing how you can look into someone’s eyes
And see all of those beautiful things
See that in this particular moment
Whatever breathless force of the Universes’ momentum - took you
And put you exactly where you’re supposed to be.
It’s amazing how that someone can look back into your eyes
And see absolutely nothing at all.
Their pupils as small as pencil marked periods
And their breath as slow as a crawl
It’s amazing how someone can look back into your eyes
And see a sun burnt out
A universe gone cold with no life breathing
With the stars’ pitter – pattering- fading shout
We should all be terrified
Perpetually, irrevocably terrified
That someone should look into our eyes
And see nothing but empty rooftops.