The Drowning Of Sound
Sat at the table looking out of the window as the heavy rain falls
Silently upon the Window Pane
The Drowning of Sound,
The Darkness that creeps upon us clinging onto our Minds
We sit in it's pitiful existence drowning the sound with the tears that fall
inside our minds no moistness falls upon thy cheeks
closed off inside, screaming to escape the never ending fear that builds so deep
it ricochet's back like a bullet to all the senses of the human body
your in constant haze of darkness waiting for it to lift like the sun rising from its sleep how you wish for it's heat to penetrate the coldness of your flesh
the unsteady breathing the gasping for air the panic that descends into
SILENCE! the drowning of SOUND!
A forgetfulness, A longing to be heard
A bid for a life without the constant whirl of the unknowing that
engulfs you, the feeling of your blood gushing through your veins
the intensity that it brings
The Battle lines drawn but the Battle is with yourself
no weapon to arm yourself with, you think?
looking deeply into the glass you have just drank from glancing at the pills
that have fallen upon the floor
you catch your reflection coldness black withdrawn no depth to your eyes
The Drowning of Sound
The Drowning of Sound
and you write... I write...
remembering never forgetting
the longing to turn the pictures Off that are forever playing in my mind
And I stop And I breathe
And I stand, and I remember why,
I am loved, I am wanted, I am a Mother, I am a Daughter I am someone
I am ME!