A Storm Was Raging
I woke this morning
before dawn
In the deep
quiet of the night.
A gentle breeze was telling me
"Go back to sleep"
But I was restless.
I rose thirsty, thinking of water
but found myself walking
Past the kitchen,
to the back hall.
I put on my sandals and left.
Walking east, I marveled
at the brightness of the Morning Star
"Phosphorus" you had called it once;
it seemed to draw me on.
Ahead, a low-noise was rising.
Should have seen it coming,
should have known it.
The sound wall,
the wailing water.
The power of it shocked me.
Still air and clear sky above
had belied the lake's anger.
Sailboats rocked,
uneasy in their moorings,
Waves wrecked themselves
merciless against the break.
Then, a muted flash of lightning,
and for the first time I saw
Long thin lines of storm clouds,
black baguettes crouched low to the horizon.
I stood and wondered
at the storm's wordless intensity
Reaching out to me
Through the water,
Through the shore,
Through the city streets,
Through my slumber.
I came down to the water's edge this morning,
before the sunrise,
To listen to it speak of things far distant
While the city slept.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Fri 22nd Dec 2017 16:35
Absolutely fabulous. You never lost my full attention for one syllable.
Finally, you have to stop 'fixing'. I'm oh-so in the same boat. I have 'fixed things' years later, and for the better, I think. But a little distance works wonders for finesse.