Cast Aside
Cast Aside
A woman cries for now she knows
Her love is unconditional
Weeping at the empty kitchen table
One, two, three in the morning
None are awake but her
Right hand reaches out to air
She wails
“There was no choice to make!”
Yet she always knew, in some way
Either too much to handle
Or not enough
But always cast aside
Anger will not manifest
Her love is too strong
Comfort from lovers help
Lovers who have hurt her
Lovers who worked with her
Lovers who enlightened
Time and patience
Unconditional, remember
Forgiveness is easy
With them, she was finally feeling happy
Even now, she knows how weak she is
Broken hearted, once more
Forever hopeful that the
Pieces that crumbled
Will return so once more
Their hearts will be whole
A woman cries for now she knows
She is an arbitrary choice.