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The Visitor

The Visitor


The house was silent and still

I was sat reading a book

as my dogs slumbered 

on a nearby couch

The story stimulated my imagination

as I became less aware of

my surroundings

A mighty roar awoke my attention

a rushing sound of fury unleashed

A powerful wind assailed the house

the curtains blew about in a frenzy of panic

as window panes and shutters rattled

The dogs sat up alert

with ears pert

one howled as the other barked

Papers took off from the table

and swirled about the room.

A magazine fastened itself 

to the standard lamp

The mirror and pictures

wobbled violently

against the wall

The ceiling lamp swung to and fro

in giddy delight

Doors upstairs slammed shut

some ornaments fell to the floor

I could feel the power

of this sudden gust

Then in less than a minute

it abated and all was still and calm

as before

He had been and gone 

at break neck speed

◄ What Comes Next

Disdain ►


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keith jeffries

Wed 29th Nov 2017 11:31

Cynthia, thank you as always. I understand what you mean, You do not take any liberties as I appreciate your comments which are invariably very pertinent and valid. Please don´t stop. Keith

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 29th Nov 2017 11:17

In Canada we called them 'wind devils'. And often, the windows were wide open. Lots of good imagery in this work.

I'm going to be real bold once again, because I do feel I can 'converse' with you. I so enjoyed poetry companions kibbitzing around a large table, exchanging opinions about each other's 'works'. There was no mercy, lots of respect, and I learned so much.

I remember the ruthless 'cutting' that the group practised on each other, and subsequently, on themselves. eg. 'The curtains blew about in panic/as window panes and shutters rattled' anything that makes the consonants and syllables tight and strong, pushing powerfully into the mind. 'Panic' is, by definition, a 'frenzy'.

If I take too much liberty, then just say so. I do miss the group a lot.

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