Frost Bitten Stooge
What should I take with me to winter?
The warmth of your cheeks or the ice in your veins?
Through Cold hearts
Flow cold stares
When cruel intentions were small embers crying for life
Everyone of your kisses fuelled its flames
At every touch a chill
At every intersection I assessed this impasse
Masked as a self inflicted wound
Bombarded by over valued assumptions
I caved to the idea of an imminent doom
Trapped in the towers over looking Mauna Loa’s peak
This inferno beneath me is
An inverted sauna
A hypothermic infection
Glued to the depth of her God given blessings
Shrewd yet meticulous in her dissections
My subjugation was short lived
In retrospect my perceived subjugation was a ruse
Plowed to facilitate this cryogenic fluster called a relationship
Asking what I should take with me to winter
Not knowing that I’m already gangrenous
Decaying with the putrid scent of infatuation on my lips