The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Nov 30th

entry picture

For 20 years I cried on this day 

I checked out on this day 

I hated this day 

I mourned on this day 

A little girl kept quite about this day 

A little girl felt ashamed on this day 

A little girl that was drowning in her own blood on this day  

A little girl had to pick herself up so her little brothers wouldn't see

A little girl no more

Dug up holes to bury it

This day was the worst for me that morning I was a little girl that night I lost my voice 

Rape happened on this day 

The years passed I was getting older, my mind growth stopped that day

My ability of not comprehending certain things stopped that 

I stopped breathing

I walked through those years without noticing

Hiding behind pain, confusion, hurt, and anger

The voice I lost I want it back...



This day I desereve to just breathe

This day will no longer be a pain

This day will be the day of survival

The day I survived

◄ He does It for me

I Can Be That ►


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