Last resort
Her little heart broke as reality hit
It wasn't really what she'd believed
Her fairytale nightmare didn't fit
All this time she'd been deceived
She wasn't someone special after all
Not in their eyes at all, just a person
Who'd accepted every single flaw
Her gracious heart her big let down
Life was cold and people selfish
As she realised this with a frown
Her little heart began to break down
She wanted to be spectacular
And she'd never been happier
Than when she was convinced
Thats what they would think
But in fact she was just simple
A last resort and the only choice
In a sea of much better people
Just one without a loud voice
Her compassion her big down fall
She'd allowed herself to be drawn in
And they had finally taken it all
With persistence and coaxed sin
She wasn't special any more
Not to them or even herself
They'd just pretend to adore
For them, there was just no else