Tagging Blogs
Our technical team have been working hard to provide you with a couple of new features to enhance your enjoyment of WOL.
Firstly - you can now ‘tag’ your poems and/or blogs with key words, and search for others on a particular theme. It’s very simple to use: when you edit your blog you will see a dialogue box entitled ‘Tags’ at the very bottom of the page, simply type your key word in to the box and press ‘Update entry’, and hey presto! - your poem is tagged.
To search for a poem on a particular theme, go to ‘Blogs’ as normal, and on the right hand side you will see a list of popular tags, so if you want to search on, for instance, the theme of ‘love’, you can instantly see how many poems have been tagged with that key word. Select a tag and it will display the last poem posted on that theme; and also show you, again on the right side, other months that have tagged blogs on that same theme.
You can tag your poem with more than one word, but you can only find poems by key word if they have been tagged by the author.
You will notice that, when you tag your poem, updating your entry doesn’t automatically take the poem back up to the top of the blogs. Similarly, neither does making minor edits. This is something many people have requested for quite some time, and we’re pleased to say that we you can now alter punctuation, correct spelling, even delete or add entire verses, without the embarrassment of constantly putting your poem ahead of everyone else’s. There is, of course, nothing to stop you from re-posting your poem, should you so wish.
Picture by Hana: http://hrneale.wordpress.com/