The road of self discover...
You are the creative force of existence filled with expanding will and power of choice. In Every moment you are constructing the universe that filling your Being.Be brave and strike the concept of your limiting mind. The thoughts bouncing in your skull making impact on your life, but they really there for you to choice the the one that fits your needs and the mind is to create not to over come you, but it's been forgotten who we are . So stop and Be let the stillness be the key to recover you authenticity. Simple view from the space of awareness will lead you to forgotten truth of your concussnes. See and experience your self that the mind is here to serve you not the other way around. But most importantly you got that power of choice. You can fully decide from that space do you want to suffer, feel anger and pain or you want to choice love, joy and kindness. Every happenings in all roams of your being will be sprayed by the fountains of creative choices of your own existence after you discover that simple profound true hided deep inside of you.