Country Childhood
Waist high, windblown snowdrifts
Sloping, snow covered fields
Lopsided snowmen wearing woolly hats
To wake at dawn and hear the slipping
And sliding of loosening snow
Peep at the sky, the colour of a flock of seagulls
The thaw had begun.
Blossom-like confetti, sprinkled magically
Spring has arrived
Bicycle rides, peering over hedges into buttercup-filled fields
A pencil line of smoke emits from the chimneys
With no time to acclimatise, we were
Hustled into high Summer
A never-ending dream of hot, golden days
Filled with picnics, paddling and parties
Watching the farmers, their backs asĀ
Brown as hazelnuts, cutting, tossing
And baiing the hay.
Autumn, a damp, fruity smell of
Decay pervades
Pheasants strut about, spiders stalk
And hedgehogs shuffle, scuffle and snuffle.
The countryside is at its best
Mellow and ripe
The year has turned, I shiver and
Close the door on my wonderful
Country Childhood memories