They cross fertilize
Peace and development, lung and heart, feed on each other!
Preparing for war is also option better adversaries to parry and deter.
Adversaries that conspire the couple - peace & development -to put asunder.
Also, to ensure peace, paying sacrifices further let us our development spur!
Unless they see poverty committed to the ground and in their life a turnaround, daunted, to belligerence human beings are bound!
ሳንባና ልብ ፤ ሠላምና ልማት፤ ለርስ በራስ ግባት!
ማደበር ጉልበት፤ ጠብጫሪ ለመመከት፤ የሚጥር ጥንዶቹን ለማፋታት፤
ካስፈለገም ድባቅ ለመምታት፤ አስፈላጊ ነው በውነት ጀባ ለማለት የሠላም ሰገነት!
ከፍልን አስፈላጊውን መስዋትነት፤ልማታችንን አናፋጥን ሠላማችን እንዳትቀጥን!
ከሌለ ልማት፤ብስራት፤ለደህነት መሬት መግባት፤
ሠላም ይሆናል የህልም እንጀራ፤ከጠብያለሸ በዳቦ የሰውልጆቸ ተራ!
Peace and development cross fertilize each other