Contemplation on Creation
When you create
You start doing that for your joy
Then you doing that to share your joy with others
After that you realise this is who you are
And this is what you came here Create
Joy of creating and sharing with others
It's inseparable part of our existence
Most beautiful creations comes from Heart
There for that's where you should look for your inspirations
Being artist it's not about being famous
It's about enjoy the play of your own creations
You can not only be a good artist
But you can also be whatever you want
You just need to manifest and create
Your dream lives and by doing that
You All ready becoming the greatest artist of all the time
Creation it's a language of our Soul
Thred between existence and eternity
Every time we create something
We prove worthiness to our existence
And that's where eternity shine the most
A little stream of water can feed whole forest
So as your touching flow of creation
Can inspire thousand of heart
The moment you feel you can't create
It's the moment of final resistance
That's the time for strongest push
Where you need to give everything from yourself
With out asking for any thing back
But just prof who you truly are
And what's it means to be creator
There is always time to become artist
You only have to choice to become One