My soul bleeds,
My heart in constant pain,
Memories of you draining my very being,
Weeping becoming my way of life.
Like a dry well no wetness falls from my eyes anymore.
Blank of any expression they have become,
The life that once shined from them long gone.
I have questions I can't answer.
I want to know why you gave up,
Why you left us,
What I could have done to keep you,
but you are gone my love,
And with you my spirit you took.
I try to remember what it felt like before all this grief.
I hope to remember what happiness is,
Bt those are foreign emotions in my life
Because you were that for me,
And then you had to leave.
I speak to you hoping the wind takes my words to you,
I whisper words of love hoping you are listening,
I watch the sun rise and set hoping you are watching it with me,
For even though in the grave you rest,
I want to believe forever it is for us.
So never shall I say goodbye my love,
For in my heart you shall live forever.
Now rest my love,
For forever is not ending soon.
<Deleted User> (18118)
Mon 26th Feb 2018 21:36
Beautiful. Very moving.
One of the most tender poems I have read about loss.