Unravelling that which I do. All the time.
sprouts from a soldier's lips,
stretched out on a centipede's back,
knowing every coroner is a breathe navigating
myself up a spider's bath.
Our words are lovers, my love;
a path of slippers whispering, lost
traipsing in fierce barnicles,
communes of moths hurting in the dark
painting memory with a lick of tact,
longing for sleep and the labyrinths
of us
and the rust of promises we could draw like bodies.
God! Why?! Did the skeleton draw my inky mouth
inside out, daggering
the seals that scratched at killer whales,
pricking the sun out and into a sock
to catapult beyond all cross stitches of little kisses.
I never sought
any other
nor paraded any armies like scars on my heart,
Such a recession
is left like a surgeon's thorn -
blushing my lilly
and leaving me dead;
a knotted otter crying
"help me"
but nevertheless wishing well.