I Wish
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a heart...it betrayed me one too many times... I love too deeply. And care too excessively... Then I hurt! And the hurt is like so many hurts I have endured...yet so unlike any... Each time it's new...somewhat unique in its anguish...lingering... Stalking me during the day...and as night falls so does my reserve... Proclaimed by the world as a 'strong woman' if only they had to see me now... On bended knees wailing pleadingly to GOD …"Help me"...help stop this pain....let the light come in me...and then...then there's silence...not just your everyday quiet...but serene silence...the type that lets you know at this very moment your creator has lifted you up to his chest and is now rocking you...lulling you to sleep, a deep peaceful slumber, and you exhale....thinking...there is tomorrow....tomorrow I'll be brave...tomorrow I will try again!