The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Trust Me

Trust Me

(My thoughts on joining the LDR club when I started uni... But he moved with me in the end)



I am terrified.
My skin is a semi-permanent tsunami above
These Earth-quaking bones.
I am terrified of being alone. 
Not only as the Sun sets and then rises again,
But the empty, aching hollow that
Fills my chest when
I think about you gone.
When I say I am scared to be alone,
The reality is I cannot think of me without you.
You are the ice in my tea, the
Tiny umbrella in my Cosmo, you have
Become a part of me,
And I'm not sure if I can
Untwine our limbs from
Gripping onto one another.

I won't beg you to stay if you do not want to,
For now at least, I know you do,
But if the time comes when
I may as well be living on the moon,
I would rather watch your laughter from
My telescope as you forget to look up,
Than watch you wait, as I fumble,
Trying to fix the ship that will
Take me home to you.
The ship will only sail when it sinks from
The weight of gold,
So until then, my voice and
A moving picture on your phone
Will have to suffice.
I know we are scared,
Neither one of us want to lose,
But I'm thinking of it as a test,
Let's see if we can pull through.
You've stuck around through all the
Soap-opera drama,
So 200 miles can only push us closer.
I am forever in love with you.
I always have as ridiculous as it sounds,
Trust me when I say there is no one else
Who can complete me like you do.
My every story I want to tell you,
I want to see your eyes light up,
And hold you so tight in my arms,
Until the Sun finally comes back up,
And I realise I'm home.



long distancelove

◄ Uncertainty

I Do Not Like You ►


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