The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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I don’t hate you I simply thank you

Thank you for showing me who I don’t want to be

I’ve drowned in my own soul because I thought I needed you to survive

Buried down my thoughts and feelings not realizing I wasn’t living

I was a child who cried and cried and kept crying until it hurt so badly

And when it hurt I didn’t understand why

Why turned into anger and anger turned into


Many years I held onto you coming back for me because I was you’re first child

But thank you for making a decision for me having a better life

A life that you no longer can be a part of

‘Cause you didn’t do your part of trying to be around

Becoming like a pop up book in the life of Saniya

I’m finally closing that chapter

I’ve became a part of world that showed me love and support

Every day now, I am finding out that I am a woman made of many things

I am and will be a woman that is walking with God

A woman that has been hurt but a hasn’t broke because I was not built to break

Picking up the pieces and will continue to strive

That will find happiness

And will finally break free and live





◄ Laying With You

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