Times are unfortunate; I come, I go, but when
I need you the most, I know not to hope. At what
point will I resolve this knot. I feel sorrow; I do not
know if you, at all, feel the same. Untidy mess.
Scared and silly. And nasty. What has happened here.
I never thought it would be us. Had I hoped to strongly for this, this time around.
I carry on, no one to know. No one to share, no one to see.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Fri 30th Mar 2018 13:31
Much enjoyed. Real and passionate. Interesting pattern of lines. Shorter lines would work well, also. Were you trying for a limited number of lines, for a particular reason?
Check 'too strongly'; needs the 'too' of 'too much', since it's page poetry.