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Not the cross or the thorns

or the blood or the nails,

not the spear or the whip

or the rumble of stones

from the mouth of a tomb.


Not the hatred and bigotry,

the small minded hypocrisy

of this clan or that clan

whose father is biggest

or most feared or cherished.


Not the myth and the fable

espoused by blind acolytes

heaven bent on vengeance

in Rome or Jerusalem,

Mecca or Basingstoke.


Not Gods or Saviours

or giant furry rabbits,

not chocolate or Simnel cakes,

eggs or crucifixes

worn as badges of faith.


Just the yellow of daffodils,

the touch of a loved one,

the sun in the sky

and the warmth

of a new day


where peace is the word

and hope is the feeling

resurrected in cynics,

ascendant in children

and held in our hearts.


alternative viewEasterEostremythPaganpeace

◄ A Memory Of Rhinoceroses

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Hazel ettridge

Sat 31st Mar 2018 20:44

I'm with you all the way. Lovely.

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keith jeffries

Sat 31st Mar 2018 18:28

Thank you for this excellent poem which I hope many will read and hear as it speaks the beauty of truth.

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Martin Elder

Sat 31st Mar 2018 15:58

A wonderful poem Ian though I had to smile to myself at the mention of giant furry rabbits which I assumed you were making reference to the constructs by marketing companies to sell products. But my mind immediately went to the film of the play 'Harvey' about a giant rabbit with James Stewart
none the less well said in this poem. Loved it

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