Not the cross or the thorns
or the blood or the nails,
not the spear or the whip
or the rumble of stones
from the mouth of a tomb.
Not the hatred and bigotry,
the small minded hypocrisy
of this clan or that clan
whose father is biggest
or most feared or cherished.
Not the myth and the fable
espoused by blind acolytes
heaven bent on vengeance
in Rome or Jerusalem,
Mecca or Basingstoke.
Not Gods or Saviours
or giant furry rabbits,
not chocolate or Simnel cakes,
eggs or crucifixes
worn as badges of faith.
Just the yellow of daffodils,
the touch of a loved one,
the sun in the sky
and the warmth
of a new day
where peace is the word
and hope is the feeling
resurrected in cynics,
ascendant in children
and held in our hearts.
Hazel ettridge
Sat 31st Mar 2018 20:44
I'm with you all the way. Lovely.