Headstrong Tornado
Headstrong Tornado
I feel like I failed myself for not joining the Royal Air Force
I wanted to join for years ever since I was a kid
But my teenage moods got in the way
Like they did with most other things
And still do but I see them for what they are, moods
Which stopped me from being elite
And serving my country and deterring the enemy
Be it Soviet Russia or anyone else
Looking back I realise things were as bad as they were
My moods were a hurricane of what?
Teenage angst about not having a girl?
Pressure cooker emotions caused by my dominant mum?
Peer pressure rivalry to be normal and one of them?
Being bullied and having to fight for my existence?
Simply living and being me in my head and world
A world where I want to fly and dream of the sky
Like I have every day since I was born
The fact that it could of been different
Nick the Tornado F3 pilot intercepting Soviet Bear bombers
But my eyesight went bad and i never got full grades
So it was my unfulfilled dream up in the clouds
Yet it wasn't all doom and gloom
I did re-arm IX SquadronTornado planes with practise bombs
This was in 1986 at RAF Honington with Sgt Edwards
That made up for my career failure
Even if it was just for a day
In my memory that day never ends...