My brother
My Brother
Inever had the pleasure of knowing who you were,
for you departed before i was born,
but in some unseen and somemagical way,
i feel a realconnection even though you areaway,
My mother still mourns your passing alwayswith love,
and knows that you watch her alwaysfrom above,
for one that wasso small could be butnowhere else it seems
but culd only be an angel speaking to us in our dreams,
Iregret that we never everhad the chanceto meet
but i still feel like you are soveryclose to me
i feel your presence with mein my hourof need
and feel comfort that you are so veryclose to me
i never had the opportunity to meet you in the flesh,
but as i feel anguish i can feel your words under your breath,
for even though we missed eachother by years the last count
you are still my brother through thin and throughout
i can feel who you were
and feel you here rightnow
as you watch over us with protection for all and throughout
she has you forever in her heart so pure
and sometimes comsumes her own mortal love
for she sees your face in my boys beautiful smile
which is why she will hold him through all and throughout
A letter to Carl the one i never met
but the brother that i hold so close to my chest
for all so holy and close to thine heart
even though your arent here, you are always in thine heart. Xx
Andrea Place
Wed 4th Apr 2018 21:43
thank you honey xx