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As the chair man,
Of this whole sorry business,
One might vote to abstain,
I’m not quite there. Or here.
People avoid direct eye contact,
Can’t reach out to shake hands.
Or may say polite superficial things,
And try to avoid treading on any toes.
Awkwardly, I slowly get up.
Feelings, phantoms, do persist.
I sit, still, serious, nervously seek support, to help, resist.
Push on, inspire, empower backers, freewheeling, to the top.
And find a higher place, to observe, to stop.
In this space, suit.
Look down on a working world that thinks.
I don’t exist. Am and am not.
Yet, I laugh and love too.
Am you. Though,
A little drunk, from lifting spirits.
Legless, lost.
Clear, calm, sober.
Vital our independance is.
Looking on, to distant clouds on the horizon.
Unable to judge. Give rise or walk away.
Alone and isolated. Obviously,