Before My Eyes
Before my Eyes
the image came to life:
blue lava wails and flares its stifled tongue,
splenetic, sharp and surly-
licking waves which,
cresting ever higher,
catch upon the wind and rain-
crashing down upon
the sailors and the ships
and I can almost feel it,
the ocean’s spray upon my cheeks-
the tension rising
with the wave,
smothering my breath and
shrouding me in restless stillness
in the face of such a wave-
drowning in my thoughts
and the seaspray on my cheeks,
I see into the stormy eye
and surrender to its presence-
for this great wave, as all, will pass,
will smooth to rolling surf and
softly swelling froth-
and so can sullen eyes
be brightened-
so can chaos again subside to peace.
Big Sal
Sat 26th May 2018 16:31
Intuitive in its delivery and sound in its reasoning. ?