What an amusement !
What an amusement!
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
7:09 AM
The thought itself creates a shiver
When I find you very near
The invisible touch makes me think over
What shall be the result when you makeover!
I go back tot eh dream
And find you in my team
I look at handsome figure
Who is going to be future?
It was never an easy going
When you were blowing
The love signals
And I was simply waiting for your arrival
The days have become long
And nights still remain among
Very much troublesome to sleep
You are always keeping me awake
I never passed through such a stage
But I felt it comes with an age
Where you are not in control of your body and mind
Something unique feelings are found
I always find you nearby
When try to feel your presence
You have asserted completely
I feel helpless really