The distant mirage
Distant mirage
Monday, April 30, 2018
7:13 AM
Peace is distant mirage
we write peacefully on the page
but in reality, it is mere camouflage
so long human beings don't change
history is a witness
there were the elimination of powerful kingdoms and races
the peace is built on rubbles
it comes after so much struggle was put on
so long, the judiciary has not fully exerted
or poor and rich are not equated
the justice shall stand denied
evidence or no evidence it has been always denied
show the red eyes to the offenders
whether politician or commoners
why should the common man suffer?
when justice can't be offered in time!
when the judges come in open
and air the grievances before the nation?
the situation is pathetic
where is the basic principle of restraint and responsibility
when politicians try to malign judiciary
they should be questioned immediately
when the judgment comes in their favor
the judiciary seems impartial and stands high with honor
the politicians should be asked to complain
and bring facts about corruption
if they have proof and pieces of evidence
else, they should be taken to task at once
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