The Unseen Fight
How can I fight what I cannot see?
Will this pain inside me always be?
Give me a mountain, that I can move,
And there my strength I can prove.
This pain is a foe without hands or feet
No physical hurt can match or meet
Surgery or stitches cannot repair
As my crying soul lays naked and bare
With a cup I would drain any sea
Such a small, simple task that would be
But to fill this emptiness inside
I am overwhelmed in the flood and tide
This unseen enemy is so cruel
Don’t dare to talk and break a rule
A smell, a noise, even a word-
But this silent enemy is still heard
We have sent a man to the moon
Then molested a child just as soon
One of these goes down in history
The other is an unspoken mystery
How can I fight what I cannot see?
I cannot name what should not be
Who gave those bastards a right?
And why can't I see any end in sight
keith jeffries
Mon 14th May 2018 18:47
This is perfect verse at its best dealing with something we all experience in one way or another. I think resilience is our strongest weapon in the fight. Well said and well done. Thank you