Fingerprint Cliché
Fingerprint Cliché
My dream took me into the darkest reaches of my mind
So far inside I met the black part of me where it all is
The grief of my dad who only recently died
All my past actions that hurt people and caused pain
The wrong parts of me still alive and hiding there
All this and more that I forget upon waking
A natural barrier that can’t be penetrated just now
It takes a special journey and effort to go there
A combination of exhaustion, feelings and hard liquor
And other background things make the trip possible
Thrusting me into this dreamscape nightmare
Where the clichés are real and words utterly fail
Leaving emotions as the language and currency
In this world that exists in parallel to ours
Where we don’t belong nor can stay long
A world that will exist till the end of time
When humans are nothing but dust and a memory
You can’t invade this world nor defeat its army
Not even death rules absolute here
It is ruled by dreams and their guardians
They left their fingerprint upon my day