I lost you
I lost you today
I understand you, but then again I do not.
You led me back to a time last year
which I no longer remembered.
I made a mistake, which cannot be forgiven.
You hold these moments in your thoughts
thrashing around like a rollercoaster
until it derails and crashes head long into its target.
I know I am hesitant and full of doubt
but I had you fully in my heart.
If you were prepared to wait for me
we had our whole lives ahead of us,
but your uncertainty held sway
and I could no longer convince you of
my faithfulness and love for you
Now, we go our separate ways.
I have learnt so much from you
I hope you feel the same
Maybe, our minds will cross again some day
and we can remember what we had,
and look on each other with tenderness and loving.
Jon Stainsby
Wed 23rd May 2018 07:53
Thank you, Anya. It was and is still tough. xx