Late Night Thoughts
Late Night Thoughts
1: „You know the feeling you get
When you just lay in your bed
Stare at your ceiling
Thinking bout life and its meaning
Realizing that nothing will last
Future, Present and Past
None of them matters
Cause nothings forever”
2: “So if life doesn’t matter
Then death doesn´t matter”
1: “yeah but guess what´s better?”
2:”Mhh… a life full of sorrow
With no hope for tomorrow
Or dying in peace”
1:” Oh please
Life isn´t that bad”
2:”Yeah as long as I´m in bed”
1:”Wow very funny; what I wanted to say
Is you have to look start looking away
From everything bad”
2:”small problem: Everything´s bad!”
1:”Oh come on now you´re just lying
Cause there´s no denying
That life got its beauty”
2:”Life got its beauty?
Damn I really wanna see the life you see”
1: “You can! Just open your eyes and look around
Or use your ears and listen to its sounds”
2: “Oh you mean the “Sound of Silence”?
Cause all I see is “Darkness, old friend”
So try to convince me again”
1: “I will. Because I´m right!
Life is not only black and not only white”
2:”Yeah… sometimes it´s Grey”
1:”Argh That’s not what I wanted to say!”
2:”Oh sorry for interrupting” ;)
1:”Why so mean? I´m just tryna teach you something!
Stop glorifying Death
And live your life to its best
So you´ll have no regrets
When it comes to your Death”
2:”Oh my life is full of regret
Full of regret for every tear I shed”
1: “Why did you cry?”
2:” Well… Living can hurt
Sometimes it´s the whole world
Sometimes it´s only one word
That breaks your heart
And makes you fall apart”
1: Oh… I know that´s hard
But that´s just a part
Of living”
2:”That´s just a part of living!?
How can falling apart while living
Be part of living!?
You have to be kidding!”
1:” No I´m not kidding
Living means up and living means down
Living means smile and living means frown
A bad past and an even worse present
Don’t mean your future won´t be pleasant
2:”Too bad I live present”
1: “No you live in the past
Cause keep looking back
But the time won´t come back
So Stop being sad
And have fun instead!”
2: “Easier said than done
Cause I forgot what´s Fun”
1: “ HOW do you forget what´s fun!?”
2: “ Well, I was busy with my run”
1:” Ehhh… what kind of run??”
2:” I mean running away from my problems
Because I couldn´t solve them”
1:” God damn it you stupid
You´ve got a brain so use it
If you can´t find a solution alone
Go to the place where you feel at home”
2:”Maybe they´ll think I´m crazy”
1:” They won´t think you´re insane
Cause they can feel you´re in pain!”