Infant democracy
Infant democracy
Tuesday, 29th May 2018
"Politics" is the tool of the coward
it needs no straight word
talk big and look forward
it has an inferior standard
once the power is addicted
nothing can be instructed
it will fall on the thick skin
the fall out may be seen later
if it is confined to the serving of the national interest
the other people shall not allow you to deliver the best
they will form the cartel
the consequences may definitely tell
"divide and rule"
the Britishers were no fool
we picked those tricks
and give the forcible kick
the public has a short memory
the people make others feel sorry
their boat is made to run in rough weather
in an election, they badly suffer
we are an infant democracy
so suffers the country
only rights are remembered
but duties part is abandoned
Hasmukh Amathalal Mehta
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