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A Sinner's Confession

This never occurred to me before

That I would be doing such thing

But those lips and touch were tempting me

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


Down into hell is where I belong

Because the demon has made me do such thing

But those excuses and pleas won't explain what I did

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


Honestly, it was funny no one knew

That I have done such a thing

His eyes and hands were gesturing me

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


I hate the fact there's room for only one

And I have to choose such thing

To break one's heart and fulfill another

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


I'm trapped under the demon's spell

That he has made me do such thing

To not regret any of action

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


And, of course,

It is my decision to stop such thing

But, to be honest, I don't want to stop the thrill

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath

And I loved every single moment of it


Created June 1, 2018


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Hasmukh Mehta

Sun 10th Jun 2018 05:41

No moral ground involved

I could not resist
but she insisted
and tempted me to fall in line
that is how I could not decline

why should anyone feel regret
as it was willingly let
it is like normal hunger
and adults do offer

No morality question involved dear
so keep no fear
it is correct to hold morality ground
but no concrete substance is found in that argument

nothing happens without His grace
so accept it on the face
love has its traces all over
and definitely we take shelter

no demon work is involved
as you have loved
and thought it over
love is the normal attachment and fever

Nokwel Vazquez

Sat 2nd Jun 2018 18:27

I woke up today with my heart filled with joy
I did the usual and looked for you
Though I wasn't prepared for what I found
My life turned upside down
With nothing but a I O U
No more love no more joy

This day came and I knew it would
Today I am forgotten and alone
Though I would have loved the good bye
But now all I can do is die inside
I guess I couldn't do anything to atone
I would have always loved you if I could

I guess this is my way of saying good bye
I really did try I really didn't want to
but you keep the saying you had to

Remember me forget me hate me love me
Every emotion every commotion I tried I really did I will close my heart for the last time it hurts it really does knowing your gone know I wasn't the one

Sorry for existing sorry for everything sorry for making you cry sorry for hurt you sorry for every lie you had to do I am sorry I am not someone you want I am sorry I am not perfect I am sorry I can't make your life great I am done

My last good bye ^-^ have a happy life

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