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I would not say this heart is hungry
I dare not say this heart is heavy
I only know now, a surer sense of all I want
a clearer description of what will fire
the drive, the rush, the love in me

If we're not going out tonight
then can we just sit and giggle
at each other, at the TV, at the others
can she laugh with me, make fun of me
until we have tears in our eyes, can’t breathe

When I try to order a takeaway
I want her to crack me up
hang up the phone to calm down
In the saddest, dimmest funeral procession
I want her to puncture my grief with warm humour

She may not be a model, I don't care about that
she may not be a mother, I don't care about that
as long as she keeps me laughing
I know that I will love her, I only care about that

If one thing never leaves us...
O, sex can go fuck itself
our looks all lost to scowls in changed winds
bodies crippled, aged with the years
but just let us keep the laughter

We’ll sit in soiled, wooden chairs
side by side; in stitches for all time
on my grave can be the set-up
on hers; the killer punch line

Let us be the double-act
that light up people's evenings
wise-cracks, sharp lines, quick-wits
Me, in awe
of her gymnastic tongue

I’ll put that sparkle in those bright eyes
O, the jokes; just let them flow
let us never be too old

She may not have ambition, I don't care about that
she may not be a mother, I don't care about that
as long as she keeps me laughing
I know that I will love her, I only care about that

I am not saying this heart is hungry
I won’t say this heart is heavy
I’m just surer now, more certain of something
a clearer definition of what will make me live happy
the smile, the joy, the laughter in her...


(Feb, 2010)



◄ Morning Mellow

Restless (Sequel) ►


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Laura Taylor

Tue 26th Jun 2018 10:57

Absolutely lovely!! Couldn't agree more ?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 26th Jun 2018 09:33

Tom - you're absolutely right, laughter is great and there's not enough of it about. Take this site for example...most of the posts seem to be about sadness and loss. A few of us do try to introduce a touch of levity.

Have you got a GSOH Tom? Let's check...does/did your father play the bagpipes?

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