WOL's Bright 'n' Breezy Fun Bus Launch
WOL's Bright 'n' Breezy Fun Bus Launch
Our don doesn't like all the doom, gloom and hate floating around lately. He thinks it's unhealthy. He's gone and built a Fun Bus to make us all happy again. It might not get out the shed but at least he's trying. One thing you have to remember about our don is he's prone to flights of fancy. Some flights reach to the stars while others plunge to the ground in a fireball. I'm told it's something to do with a mix-up in the brain. . Result? A complex, hard-to-figure-out character at times. But he's kind and harmless. As Brian and Anya will tell you.
To continue:
A bus can't operate without an office so he's set up a 'Bright 'n' Breezy Fun Bus Office, womaned 24/7 by Tina and Gina. The office/call centre is offshore (as most tend to be these days) however Tina and Gina are British so you will have no trouble understanding them.
A word of warning Brian. Tyson guards the door. A sort of bouncer if you like.. So don't think you can just sneak in. I'm told you and he don't get on.. don told you not to put Tyson's shit back on Keith's doorstep but you wouldn't listen. Tyson didn't like that.
I'm informed don was built in the same Dalek factory as Spike Milligan. I'm a bit worried as to what we've imported here.. Border control seems a bit slack.
Poor don. He applied for this job as a scriptwriter for the Goons but a Brit beat him to it. He's never got over it. As soon as an advert for one appeared in WOL he jumped at it. We hope his role here might go some way to healing this painful gap.
You'll be delighted to know he has chosen our little green frog (pictured) as the Fun Bus emblem. (ribbit ribbit)
Bus rider requirements - rides are free but no dark baggage allowed. Haters banned unless proof of rebirth can be shown. :
Tina and Gina are ready and waiting 24/7 to book your ride. Simply email them (Tina/Gina/don share the same email). They're British trained. And luscious. He knows how to pick 'em, our don
The Fun Bus might be a bit rattly and run-down but we can't blame don for not trying to brighten things up....
Don Matthews July 2018
Don Matthews
Sat 21st Jul 2018 11:56
Brian - Gina here (Tina's turn to sleep). We're helping Don to change the syllabus. He feels it needs a shakeup. Too much doom and gloom he says. That's why he's built this FUN BUS. Hey Brian, if you hadn't introduced us to him none of this would be happening. He's a fun guy to work with. Gotta rush, call coming in. Bye