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It smells of sorrow. It smells of despair.

Beggars strewn across the road

while the rich cry out for more

Mercy is nowhere to be found

Voices of innocence call to arms

Everyday is warfare

There is no forgiveness in this town

Hatred lurks beneath the surface

threatening to smother all

while hypocritical smiles

paint a portrait of rainbows and blue skies

They speak of virtue and religion

when lust and depravity boil within them

A desert, devoid of life and love

where dreams go to die

and love turns to rust


◄ The Futility of Dreams


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Martin Elder

Thu 16th Aug 2018 14:06

This is a fabulous poem which I think is summed up nicely in the final line
and love turns to rust

that's the thing with love we have to constantly practice it and therefore polish to allow it to work.

Nice one

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