The Romantic
This officious darling, too old
for me, with steel-eyed glances;
offers me a hand and
a Fabergé egg.
The cold lights of the Malverns
in winter are anthills.
In my heart, I decline, and go
to prowl before the world's river.
Scooping up vanity in my arms
I deposit the screaming bundle
on steaming bank, smooth leaf
and unpick iron links.
Soon his money's out
of the question and I retire
to the servant's quarters,
where I scan the obituaries;
When, of a sudden, I am there,
the buxom blonde, a fingernail
filed sharp, blunt, cold,
doused in carbolic glaze;
Kissing him, in moonlit trench
outside window where
careless talk wreaks havoc
in the primrose bushes.
These screams grow louder
and I insist, as he would
to give me time to decide,
to let me see if love curbs pride.
Sun 7th Oct 2018 06:45
Love love loveeee this! Truly amazing work