A feast for your eyes
From the moment you are born
Your eyes open, you look around
Blurred colours, shapes overrun your cortex
You are oh so scared of the unknown
This hole in your face opens so wide
The rest of your face joins in, will it stop, will it rip?
Wind sweeps in, “don’t like this” you cry in your first cry
“Put me back now, its bloody cold out here”, you think say,
“Who ever pulled me out can just put me right back”.
‘Click’, your first picture blinked, WOWEEE magic
There you have it, evidence life exists outside the womb
That womb with a view launches trillions of cells to help store a ‘flood of data’
Streams of information to fill the awaiting filing cabinets
All images must be passed through a huge filtration system
A system so refined it atomises each picture
Refining it. you form a clear crisp image, sent to the ‘in-tray’
Good stuff to the central filing system the rest recycled to the dream factory
Welcome to the world seen through the only digital camera you’ll need
Use them well!!!
©Phil Golding Jan 2008
Philip Golding
Sat 26th Jan 2008 09:45
Zuzanna thank you very much for you very kind words
One of the formats I enjoy is trying to put myself into another persons shoes or cive force to an object bringing it to life.
Thank you once my fellow poet